Entries in Direction (6)


Moving forward?

Maybe sometimes our progress in life is clear -  we get promotion, we move house, we have children.  Our organisation is growing, our business is flourishing, our leadership is working well.

Sometimes there are key milestones which mark our progress, achievements.  New job, new home, new relationships. Sometimes progress is more subtle - one step leads to another over a period of time. We may even set out on a path not quite clear of the destination.

Sometimes we are in the zone, on fire, achieving! Sometimes we are worried, frustrated and stuck.

Whether or not you have clear goals, objectives, aspirations, intentions of things you want to achieve. Stop and think about your life in the next 6 months.  What do you really want?  THINK about it.  What do you REALLY want?

If helpful, choose 2 of some of the key aspects in life.

Finances, Relationships, Career, Leisure, Health - are you moving forward in the way you wish?  What do you really want? Are you moving forward?

What is the practical next step?   What would help?

How much do you want to move forward?  Get clear, take action.  In a week's time, how about diarising a note to yourself to review the question "Have I moved forward"?



Take a leap.....stepping stones

"However long  you look at the river waiting to jump over ........it doesn't get any easier the longer you look......."  wish I could recall who said that to me and where they got if from....

Sometimes we want life to move on in a big way - we want to jump over the river and already be on the other side

Sometimes the river is quite wide....can we do it in one jump? - do we need stepping stones?  What is the other side.....do we know we want to leave the river bank we're presently on, we want to leap, jump...but where to??

What's today's stepping stone for you? 

If you want things to be different, want life to leap forward....put your foot on a stepping stone...ahh, phew, that feels better already ( although...may be a little scary) ....still feels better? Does it?



The power of choice.....

What situations in your life right now do you want to make choices in?  


"We believe that coaching is chiefly about discovery, awareness and choice. It is a way of effectively empowering people to find their own answers, encouraging and supporting them on the path as they continue to make important choices ..........

.........A coach is someone who cares that people create what they say they want, that they follow through when they choose. The coach is there to hold people accountable and keep them moving forward toward their dreams and goals"  

Co-Active Coaching ( coaching people toward success in work and life) by  Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey- House 

So.....whether you are making work choices, difficult choices, career choices, lifestyle choices, struggling with choices others are imposing on you or you just want to make some choices - and not live with "I dont know, I'm not sure" any longer!! 

Are you willing to be coached to support you along the way?

Are you willing to be successful in your choice?

Are you willing to invest in the future you want?

Today  dont let life pass you by without making choices, intentional choices - not "choices by default"  when, by not making a choice we've chosen to stay the same.

So today, start a convesation with others about the choices you want to make or take some time on your own, start travelling in the direction you want - making choices is powerful.


Hope, Goal or Intention?

Hope, Goal or Intention - that's the question?

The "thing" you're really grappling with to solve  - or the "thing" you would just really love but can't see a way - are you serious about it?  How much do you want to achieve the dream or solution.  So on a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being high!) - where are you on the scale? 

  • Do you just hope it will go away or hope it will happen?
  • Do you have a clear goal in sight or are you not quite certain, what the goal is?
  • How high is your intention, how deep your determination?

Your situation may affect this, are you "bogged down", tired, stressed, fed up or are you highly motivated, going for it, full of strength and clear you're going to get there?

Whatever your situation - in the next 24 hours, tell someone what you've just been thinking about - and also do one other thing, take a simple step towards it. If you do, you'll be on your way.



Take in the view ..... are you on the path to the top?

At the very top of Arthur's seat, Holyrood Park,  Edinburgh earlier this week - on a sunny day, I looked out over the city, a panoramic view. 

I saw the sea, places I'd lived, places I'd visited - I thought back to being there almost exactly a year ago - a lot had happened and I was very grateful.

There was much to "see"  - the various paths from various angles, people approaching in different directions to climb the hill to the top - the wide well lawned path, the tiny cragged "on the edge path," the one with lots of little stones underfoot, the one with steps, quite causal, yet orderly and safe stones, the path with very shiny, slippery, stones, (that's hard to say!!), some paths with a sharp incline,  some gently rolling round and round and still getting there -  the rocks with small beautiful wild flowers on the way, more flowers much further over, visible but not within reach.

People around - on their own, holiday groups, families, friends, couples -  walking quietly, sleeping in the sun, children "rolling down, " folks clambering to the top, to the highest point! Dogs racing, some on leads, lots of conversation, photographs being taken, lots of space and beauty, lots of quiet.

I loved just being able to take in the view, to breathe, to enjoy the moment - to think about the year past and the year ahead.

Where is YOUR place to take in the view, physically and metaphorically?

Stop, take in the view... 

What path have you been on? where are you heading? are you on a path leading in a certain direction to the top? What is "the top" for you?

If you could look out, around you right now - What do you see? What has happened in the last year - what can you influence NOW for the future.  This time next summer - what do you want? What's the outcome...., take in the view and enjoy,  plan your way, make it happen -  its down to you!  Start walking that path now, step by step .... or keep persevering, if its the right path, stay on it!

 I can support you to get there, love to talk with you - do get in touch.