Entries in Success (12)


Possibility - what do I want to believe? 

When have you experienced great success,  outcomes you had the vision and determination to achieve? 

What was key to that success?

When have you surprised yourself or when have others surprised you?  What have you seen or experienced that you might have not thought possible. Do you just need to win the mental game?

Do you need to believe that the change, dreams, goals you have are possible?  If you did, what would your thoughts be and what actions would follow? What would you be doing?

I have the privilege of working alongside people get through some of the stuck ness, the hard times or just gather momentum towards their aspirations.  SO much is possible - if we dare to believe and take action.

So final question for your thoughts - IF it were easy and possible what would you want?




Liveliehood or lifestyle or both?

Yes a common discussion in coaching ......

What if I can't get a job I'd enjoy?  Am I begin realistic? Is it possible?

I've got responsibilities - I need a certain amount of income.

I believe both are possible and I've seen my clients achieve career transition shifts, find new jobs, organisation's, cultures that suit them, their skills, experience, personal qualities and their values.  I've made the shift myself.

Yes - it can be done, it may take effort and hard work and energy - and it may be easier than you think! Only if you take a step or action towards a new horizon will you know.  What will happen if you do nothing?

All it takes is for you to do something about it rather than think about it.

Coaching provides you a catalyst, a picture of where you want to get to - and a plan of action as to how you might get there!

Being bored, frustrated, stressed, anxious - you may as well put that energy and emotion to something positive for your life and career. 

If you believed it was possible what would you be doing?  Think of one action and do it, get started and build some momentum.

If you want to talk about how coaching could support you, get in touch for an exploratory chat.


From here to there?

Are you a leader spinning too many plates or feel like you're on a hamster wheel?

All leaders need space to think and explore. 

What is important for your business or organisation right now? Where are you and where would you like to get to? Coaching can support you with these questions and in getting there. Coaching creates a confidential space.

Is it taking things to the next level, more success - perhaps of a new nature?  More personal fulfillment? Perhaps resolving some of the challenges that get in your way?

Give yourself some time to think, explore, plan action. Create and be in control of your own change, you can make it happen.  Getting from here to there is possible.



Moving forward?

Maybe sometimes our progress in life is clear -  we get promotion, we move house, we have children.  Our organisation is growing, our business is flourishing, our leadership is working well.

Sometimes there are key milestones which mark our progress, achievements.  New job, new home, new relationships. Sometimes progress is more subtle - one step leads to another over a period of time. We may even set out on a path not quite clear of the destination.

Sometimes we are in the zone, on fire, achieving! Sometimes we are worried, frustrated and stuck.

Whether or not you have clear goals, objectives, aspirations, intentions of things you want to achieve. Stop and think about your life in the next 6 months.  What do you really want?  THINK about it.  What do you REALLY want?

If helpful, choose 2 of some of the key aspects in life.

Finances, Relationships, Career, Leisure, Health - are you moving forward in the way you wish?  What do you really want? Are you moving forward?

What is the practical next step?   What would help?

How much do you want to move forward?  Get clear, take action.  In a week's time, how about diarising a note to yourself to review the question "Have I moved forward"?



The big decisions?

What are the big decisions for YOU this year?  Think about it ......  are they big or small?

Sometimes small decisions have a big impact?

What is important to you this year?

We can put barriers in the way of achieving what's important, Maria Nemeth calls this" trouble at the border".  I love her phrase.  Yes, just as we step out - we can stop, get busy, distracted, down hearted!

So much more is possible than we think.

What decision to you need to make, are you willing to commit to YOURSELF? 

If ever you want to talk about your situation and how coaching can support you make your decisions happen, do call - always happy to chat.

Whatever you want for this year - ACT on it.  I so hope for you that  at the end of the year you can celebrate your success.