Entries in Moving forward (4)


A kick - start?

I'd put "it" off for a long time, then someone offered to give me some help!  We did it - job completed. Wow, from then on a whole host of actions, events, thinking flowed. I got so much done, had such a sense of achievement and fulfillment - and it all felt so, so good.

What's the kick start you want today - who or what can help you?

Take action.


Starting point?

Where to start? Is that what you're stuck on?

Does "where you want to get to" or the change you seek/ need -  feel hard, too big, impossible, scary?

Whatever your circumstances - you can get going quite quickly. Sometimes talking to a coach is a good starting point, you will hear yourself answer where you are now and where you want to get too.

You will plan some actions to get you started,  depending on what you say. The agenda is yours, my only agenda as a coach is to support you get what you want, support you in achieving success.

When we want something, new, different, to change - take one action, however simple to get you going. You may already know what that is, maybe been putting it off, had it on a "to do" list.

Talking in an independent, confidential coaching session means you've taken a step to get you started. In my experience folks are very glad they took the step.

Just yesterday on the phone a client squealed and said "I'm so happy - I cant believe you've got this out of me, this makes me feel so good"  (She was talking about all the things she is good at for her cv/ job application).

And for some meeting a coach for the first time is exciting or scary and a range of emotions in between?

I'm here to support and would love to be working alongside YOU in getting what you want. 

Do get in touch, no obligation. We can talk, meet and then you decide - however you will be clear on some actions to get you started.





Conditions for success?

Are you operating at your best? - your best not anyone else's best! 

What are the conditions you  need for success -  you have individual qualities, strengths, skills, experiences, feelings, preferences, red buttons, aspirations?

The context, conditions, support you need are very individual to you?

So do you have those conditions, personal to you - whatever they are ..... maybe a good boss, great working environment, trusted colleagues to talk to, flexibility, a tidy desk, a great PA, time for thinking, time for yourself, time with others to discuss ideas, structure, regular holidays, hobbies, exercise, healthy eating, clear direction, career progression prospects, challenge and stimulation, reading time, great partner/friends/relationships, intellectual debate,  support ..... whatever it is??  I dont know what yours are, do you ?  - tell me though....

I know I'm successful when I have certain "things in place"

A coach is one of my own conditions for success!

What are your conditions for success? -  It's a powerful question - think about it  - so what can you do to improve your chances of success ...... one thing, take action, create the conditions you need...start today

Is coaching one of the conditions for success that would make you more successful?  As always, do get in touch, email or call  ....... to explore, chat or ask any questions

Get the conditions for success you need in place - it will make a difference!



Take a leap.....stepping stones

"However long  you look at the river waiting to jump over ........it doesn't get any easier the longer you look......."  wish I could recall who said that to me and where they got if from....

Sometimes we want life to move on in a big way - we want to jump over the river and already be on the other side

Sometimes the river is quite wide....can we do it in one jump? - do we need stepping stones?  What is the other side.....do we know we want to leave the river bank we're presently on, we want to leap, jump...but where to??

What's today's stepping stone for you? 

If you want things to be different, want life to leap forward....put your foot on a stepping stone...ahh, phew, that feels better already ( although...may be a little scary) ....still feels better? Does it?