Entries in Direction (6)


Time flies by ..... 

"Where does the time go?"   "Today has just disappeared"  "The weekend has gone so quickly"  "I cant believe its May already"   "Where did the last 20 years go? "

All of these I have heard from different folks in different walks of life in the last week! Everyday expressions ......

So before time passes you by - Are you moving? or Are you stuck ?  Are you only just keeping your head above water, are you living from day to day, week to week, month to month - wanting to get out of "a rut" and move to a place of enjoying time, enjoying your job more, living your life, working towards the career and future you want. Do you still have the same problems, pressures, stresses of the last couple of weeks, months, years? 

Are you moving?  an email I received this week included "I'm moving Ruth......and I'm also moving in the right direction (yes lets not forget about that!)" - Are you moving in the right direction?

So I ask again - Are you stuck? Are you moving? Are you moving in the right direction?

What do you want? What do you need? What's really important to you?  - do you know ? -  As always, happy to talk, do get in touch. Be a step closer to achieving what you're looking for.

Time flies by and maybe you don't still want to be saying, thinking and feeling those same things in another month, year, decade!  Time flies by - use it well, make it worthwhile, enjoy it!

 Stop, pause, think - the choices are yours....

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