Entries in Change (9)


Shift, change - what do you really want? 

What are your plans for the next period of your life, your career, your organisation?

Are you setting direction? 

Are you waiting for answers?

What are your best planning and thinking tools that support you in this.  How far along your plan are you -  setting out, half way, stuck, nearly at the goal?

As areas unfold, do you have a sense of fulfillment?

Just posing some questions so that you may follow up on what resonates.  Take some time.  Even if its some time out in nature, having a walk just to see what surfaces.


Internal momentum - external change

So I saw a great quote in the Power of Habit book by Jack D Hodge  - "Choose your rut carefully! The story talked of a Canadian road which in a particular season got muddy, dry and hard.  They put up a sign each season stating "choose your rut carefully as you will be travelling it for 20 km."  I laughed at myself as I thought about this?

How about you - thought about any ruts recently?  Happy with how far you're sticking with them?  And just perhaps if we could see how long we might be travelling that rut - we might not want to travel so long or so far! 0r even so uncomfortably?

What empowers us to change?  Sometimes, our thoughts, our feelings, our actions? Oh - where to start?  Different situations, no right or wrong answers....

When chatting to to a valued connection Graham - my ears pricked up when talking about "ruts" and "habits" - he spoke of internal momentum for external change.

What rut do you want to say farewell too - choose your path carefully?  What internal thinking would move you forward, gain you some traction to get the external change that you desire?

Any thoughts - do feel free to get in touch if this resonates.



From here to there?

Are you a leader spinning too many plates or feel like you're on a hamster wheel?

All leaders need space to think and explore. 

What is important for your business or organisation right now? Where are you and where would you like to get to? Coaching can support you with these questions and in getting there. Coaching creates a confidential space.

Is it taking things to the next level, more success - perhaps of a new nature?  More personal fulfillment? Perhaps resolving some of the challenges that get in your way?

Give yourself some time to think, explore, plan action. Create and be in control of your own change, you can make it happen.  Getting from here to there is possible.



Point of change

Whether the dilemma is "I don't know", too much choice, too few options or feeling trapped, stuck ..... too tired, exhausted, too busy, too confused?

Coaching helps clarify options and creates a plan of steps and actions on how to get there.  It gives you a confidential space and framework to support you think about what's important to you, right now and for the future.

So maybe you know what you want and dont know how to get there? Maybe you know something has to change and you don't know what or how? Maybe you've been trying and hit obstacles, get stuck?

If you are on the point of change a conversation with a professional coach may just make the difference.

If you want to move forward, things to be different in the next 3,6 months - next year!  Invest in yourself and your life, career, relationships.

Don't be in the same place months from now, still tired, confused, frustrated -  if you are on the point of change and want to make it happen - get in touch, take the first step.  Lets have a conversation and then you can decide - your way forward, a plan that fits you get what you want.

The action is down to you!





A Change is as good as a rest?!

This time last week I was in beautiful Devon, a very lovely long weekend away.

When is the last time you had a change - a change of environment, a change of routine?

Shift happens, change takes place when we explore, try something new, take action.....

This coming week - what small step could you take to change your routine or go to a new place, meeting room, train station, coffee shop, place of interest, walk a different way?

Be in a "new place" physically and therefore perhaps metaphorically?

Change your routine, your journey to work, experiment a little......Are you looking for change? Change something - and see what happens? How did you feel? Has it started movement to get you to where you want to go? Has it opened your mind to new possibilities?

Enjoy change, feel refreshed ( change in organisations at the moment has bad press, restructuring, stress, unknowns, jobs disappearing) .......

What can you change in your environment or routine that will fulfill you and lead to greater things?