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Moving forward?

Maybe sometimes our progress in life is clear -  we get promotion, we move house, we have children.  Our organisation is growing, our business is flourishing, our leadership is working well.

Sometimes there are key milestones which mark our progress, achievements.  New job, new home, new relationships. Sometimes progress is more subtle - one step leads to another over a period of time. We may even set out on a path not quite clear of the destination.

Sometimes we are in the zone, on fire, achieving! Sometimes we are worried, frustrated and stuck.

Whether or not you have clear goals, objectives, aspirations, intentions of things you want to achieve. Stop and think about your life in the next 6 months.  What do you really want?  THINK about it.  What do you REALLY want?

If helpful, choose 2 of some of the key aspects in life.

Finances, Relationships, Career, Leisure, Health - are you moving forward in the way you wish?  What do you really want? Are you moving forward?

What is the practical next step?   What would help?

How much do you want to move forward?  Get clear, take action.  In a week's time, how about diarising a note to yourself to review the question "Have I moved forward"?