Entries in stress (6)


Stretching out, up and down

What's on your horizon?  Are you making time to look out or are you absorbed in the day to day, meeting to meeting?

Do you have expansiveness in your life - what's your reaction to the question?

1. What would help you look out?

2. What would help you to move up, move on?

3. What would help you have depth? Go deeper....

Take a walk, give yourself thinking time and space  .....   Anything resonate - what's your execution plan?   

Take time to paint the picture in your mind, for what we visualise and have clarity on has a much greater chance of coming to fruition!  Enjoy - make it happen.



Taking control?

Work life balance:  Do you know what your desired rhythm at work is, do you take steps to achieve that outcome?

Responsibility for impact: When is the last time you considered how you influence, have you observed how others influence? What works for you? What do you want to try?

Difficult conversations: How much energy are you expending by avoiding, worrying - take time to reflect what you want to say, stand in their shoes  - what do you need to consider? what do others see about this situation? what would an observer helpfully say to you?

Sometimes when we are frustrated,  stressed a few moments of reflection and then taking one or two steps to regaining control can bring relief and a sense of moving forward.

Keep things simple ... take control (or let go!). 



Fear needs action....


What do you think?

You can change more than you might imagine. Give yourself permission to try something out, try something new, just do the thing you've been meaning to do for ages - something small, switch from worry to tangible steps ......

"Wish I'd done it before"  "I cant believe it took me so long"   "If only I'd done something about it..... "  "What a waste of my time/life"      Much better to know you've given it your best shot, do you reckon?

If you feel your feet are stuck in treacle in a certain area of your job or life, get unstuck - take one small action and then keep going!

Fear needs action, take some and feel better soon.

PS - dont overthink it, that can keep you in treacle!!



A Change is as good as a rest?!

This time last week I was in beautiful Devon, a very lovely long weekend away.

When is the last time you had a change - a change of environment, a change of routine?

Shift happens, change takes place when we explore, try something new, take action.....

This coming week - what small step could you take to change your routine or go to a new place, meeting room, train station, coffee shop, place of interest, walk a different way?

Be in a "new place" physically and therefore perhaps metaphorically?

Change your routine, your journey to work, experiment a little......Are you looking for change? Change something - and see what happens? How did you feel? Has it started movement to get you to where you want to go? Has it opened your mind to new possibilities?

Enjoy change, feel refreshed ( change in organisations at the moment has bad press, restructuring, stress, unknowns, jobs disappearing) .......

What can you change in your environment or routine that will fulfill you and lead to greater things? 



Head space, head space, head space.....

Time and time again I hear clients and friends talk of their frustration at never quite getting round to things that matter or would make a difference due to having lack of head space.

Personally I found lack of head space one of the hardest things when I was HR Director, a diary full of meetings, a desk full of papers ( always aspired to clear desk policy!) ..... and so many tasks around - but time for thinking, planning, reflecting was scarce!

Lack of head space ( now looking back) was one of the biggest challenges I faced.  I really appreciated and tried to protect the day a month I took out of the office to achieve larger tasks, think, plan and get organised in my mind! Again my time with my coach was key, I heard myself think, got things in perspective, came up with new ideas and solutions.

I believe head space is one of the biggest benefits of coaching, use that time well with your coach if you have one, take time before and afterwards to maximise the effect! 

Lack of head space is a top item that I hear folks talk about that stops them moving forward in what they need to achieve or in what they really want.

So what today and this next week and weekend will give you head space?

A walk in the fresh air,  two hours with your office door shut, that extra travel time before a meeting rather than "cutting it fine", a day booked out of your diary to take stock, reassess - we all know it works, we feel better, more in control and energised to tackle problems in a fresh creative way! 

Give yourself, your team and organisation a "treat", an "essential treat" - get yourself some head space time, very soon and watch the difference it will make.