Entries in Fear (2)


Future or fear?

Fear stops us from doing so much, the tape in our head...."this could be dangerous, uncomfortable, difficult, may not work, cause me even more stress, I don't have time, it wont work anyway, I've tried it before, what's the point, they wont like me, I'll look stupid, it wont happen to me, I have responsibilites"?

Familiar messages that might play in your head?

Sometimes stopping and thinking for a few short moments about what we want and not letting fear stand before us ( looming TALL!) is a good idea.

What do you want your future to look like?

What today do you want to be part of your future? 

Where is fear getting in the way?  When was the last time you went ahead took courage in your hands and did something you were fearful of and it had a good result! 

Remind yourself today of all the skills you have, of everything you are good at. 

Remind yourself today of achievements you are proud of.

Remind yourself of  the future you want.

When we get clear about what we want, it's the first step on the path to making it happen.




Fear needs action....


What do you think?

You can change more than you might imagine. Give yourself permission to try something out, try something new, just do the thing you've been meaning to do for ages - something small, switch from worry to tangible steps ......

"Wish I'd done it before"  "I cant believe it took me so long"   "If only I'd done something about it..... "  "What a waste of my time/life"      Much better to know you've given it your best shot, do you reckon?

If you feel your feet are stuck in treacle in a certain area of your job or life, get unstuck - take one small action and then keep going!

Fear needs action, take some and feel better soon.

PS - dont overthink it, that can keep you in treacle!!