Entries in Location (1)


A Change is as good as a rest?!

This time last week I was in beautiful Devon, a very lovely long weekend away.

When is the last time you had a change - a change of environment, a change of routine?

Shift happens, change takes place when we explore, try something new, take action.....

This coming week - what small step could you take to change your routine or go to a new place, meeting room, train station, coffee shop, place of interest, walk a different way?

Be in a "new place" physically and therefore perhaps metaphorically?

Change your routine, your journey to work, experiment a little......Are you looking for change? Change something - and see what happens? How did you feel? Has it started movement to get you to where you want to go? Has it opened your mind to new possibilities?

Enjoy change, feel refreshed ( change in organisations at the moment has bad press, restructuring, stress, unknowns, jobs disappearing) .......

What can you change in your environment or routine that will fulfill you and lead to greater things?