Entries in leadership (13)


Command or collaborate?

Have you thought recently about your preferred leadership style?  What's needed for your organisation/your team right now?

What's the context that works for you to maximum effect?

How would your team describe your leadership?

What's the biggest compliment your direct reports/peers could acknowledge you with?

What do you want to acknowledge yourself for?

Take time to think of your best qualities and strengths, use them to the greater good for you, your team and organisation.

So anything come to mind?  Remind you of anything to want to consciously choose to do or be?

Leaders work hard, leadership is rewarding and can be costly, encourage yourself and those around you.

Take time and see what happens.


Life, leadership and leisure?

What's the connection for you?

What's the outcome you want?  ( So.....if it were easy and possible what do you want from life, leadership and leisure - write down 3 bullet points, just a suggestion?)

What thoughts and feelings does this trigger?  ( So....write down 2 small simple steps to support you on your way to achieving success)

Are you willing to commit, if yes - when will you complete these actions by?

Enjoy, create the change and outcomes you desire!  So much is possible...



How's my leadership this year?

So a check in with myself - how am I doing? 

For the context of where I am now - how is my leadership? 

What has been happening in the last 6 months, what's the results, what's the feedback, are my team in a "good place."  ?

Am I in a good place?

Thinking of my organisation or business - what's needed right now in terms of leadership, what's needed for the future?

As I reflect just for a few moments. What's happening?

How am I feeling responding to these questions and thoughts? Am I excited, despondent, indifferent? 

How do I feel?  Am I apprehensive, worried, challenged, inspired?

What one thing if I did,  or did differently,  would have the most impact for me, my team and organsiation?

Am I ready to take that next step. What one thing would make the biggest difference for the rest of this year, it could be SO worthwhile to take action, not just think about it.

Yes, let me really ENJOY my leadership, move into the next season, expand my range of leadership for what is needed right now and moving into the future. 



From here to there?

Are you a leader spinning too many plates or feel like you're on a hamster wheel?

All leaders need space to think and explore. 

What is important for your business or organisation right now? Where are you and where would you like to get to? Coaching can support you with these questions and in getting there. Coaching creates a confidential space.

Is it taking things to the next level, more success - perhaps of a new nature?  More personal fulfillment? Perhaps resolving some of the challenges that get in your way?

Give yourself some time to think, explore, plan action. Create and be in control of your own change, you can make it happen.  Getting from here to there is possible.



Maximising your leadership time and talents?

One question - Name three thing's that would move you forward the most?

One action - Write down the first three steps you would take and by when?

So coach yourself - get clear and take action.

Maximise your leadership time and talents.  Make this a priority, keep going when it gets tough. You deserve the satisfaction of a successful outcome!