Entries in Change (9)


Results, change? - when it gets tough, keep going!

I believe coaching works, I believe its powerful. I believe clients committed to results and change  - can achieve great things,  in their own unique way. Why? because I'm living the results in my own life (change still ongoing !!) I've seen the results with my clients, I talk to other coaches and coach supervisors.

I've also been stuck, overwhelmed, going round in circles, getting nowhere.  I've been where the feeling of "discomfort" was what I knew, the feeling of discomfort became comfortable. Do you want change or has discomfort became comfortable?

"Successful people do what others knew but didn't action"  Coaches support people get beyond the point where they can go themselves. So if its tough, you may be just at the point to keep going -  to get the result you visualised, the change you want. If it was easy you might have done it by now.

Keep going - if you would like accompanying along the way, to get further than you've gone before, lets talk!



Take in the view ..... are you on the path to the top?

At the very top of Arthur's seat, Holyrood Park,  Edinburgh earlier this week - on a sunny day, I looked out over the city, a panoramic view. 

I saw the sea, places I'd lived, places I'd visited - I thought back to being there almost exactly a year ago - a lot had happened and I was very grateful.

There was much to "see"  - the various paths from various angles, people approaching in different directions to climb the hill to the top - the wide well lawned path, the tiny cragged "on the edge path," the one with lots of little stones underfoot, the one with steps, quite causal, yet orderly and safe stones, the path with very shiny, slippery, stones, (that's hard to say!!), some paths with a sharp incline,  some gently rolling round and round and still getting there -  the rocks with small beautiful wild flowers on the way, more flowers much further over, visible but not within reach.

People around - on their own, holiday groups, families, friends, couples -  walking quietly, sleeping in the sun, children "rolling down, " folks clambering to the top, to the highest point! Dogs racing, some on leads, lots of conversation, photographs being taken, lots of space and beauty, lots of quiet.

I loved just being able to take in the view, to breathe, to enjoy the moment - to think about the year past and the year ahead.

Where is YOUR place to take in the view, physically and metaphorically?

Stop, take in the view... 

What path have you been on? where are you heading? are you on a path leading in a certain direction to the top? What is "the top" for you?

If you could look out, around you right now - What do you see? What has happened in the last year - what can you influence NOW for the future.  This time next summer - what do you want? What's the outcome...., take in the view and enjoy,  plan your way, make it happen -  its down to you!  Start walking that path now, step by step .... or keep persevering, if its the right path, stay on it!

 I can support you to get there, love to talk with you - do get in touch.


Leadership style - who am I, what's needed now?

So who is your bag? Recently, I've revisited three particular folks writing when considering leadership. (I really enjoy reading and I'm also one of the masses, guilty of collecting interesting books!)

Are you a fan of Daniel Goleman and his leadership styles of Visionary, Coaching, Affiliative, Democratic, Pace setting, Demanding?

For you - Is it all about "Head, Heart and Guts" by Dotlich, Cairo & Rhinesmith - so, are you using all of your intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and courage do you believe?

Or what do you think about - what has served you well in the past is perhaps a behaviour that in the context for now, you need to change?  "What got you here, Wont get you there" by Marshall Goldsmith talks of this.

Over time I've also completed many psychometrics/management tools e.g. TMS, Hogan, Strengthfinder, MBTI, OPQ, ILT, VIA,   I don't know about you? I don't like to be boxed however, one of the times I really get some insight from tools like that,  is when I say "yes I am like that" - "oh that's why" Sometimes I even get round to doing something about it! -  changing or more consciously using a skill/behaviour.

Many say that the first port of call for leadership is the "art of leading oneself" - mmh - so is it being who we really are and aware of who we are not?

Which profiles do you have,  maybe filed in personal development (!)  that with a 15 minute read and a bit of reflection, would give you just the insight you need to a tricky situation you are dealing with right now?

A thought?

Is your leadership style what is needed for the role and context you are in right now - and what would you advise your closest colleague to do,  if they were you, with respect and honesty and encouragement.

A question?

What one thing are you really good at and enjoy, that if you did more of, would quickly bring you  impact ? ( and a sense of satisfaction !)

Three words?

Choose three of your own words for what is needed for your situation at work at this very moment.  It could be words like direction, empathy, focus, energy, calm, delivery, perseverance, space, resolute, optimism, confidence, assertiveness, vision, implementation.  That's just to get you started, its your words that are important, what are they?


So, who/what else do you need to support you?  What action will you take?  Go to it! 


Please can life change?

If we asked the question to a number of people - what one little thing could you do that would make the biggest difference in your life - we would get a range of answers.

So today - what one little thing if you did it - would make the biggest difference to your job/personal life ?

Spend one minute thinking - what is the thing you could do - are you committed to it? Start right now and tell me when you've done something, anything,  about it - I want to celebrate with you in your success!!

Big change happens with a series of small planned steps.

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