Entries in Action (10)


What's the topic?


Perspectives - how many can you have on the topic you want to explore or do something about?

Choices - what are the options, which is the best one for you right now?

Planning - what's the plan?

Commitment - are you willing to commit to your goal, your plan?

Actions - clear, step by step actions


All so that your topic -  idea/dream/goal becomes a reality.....


Got a sheet of A4 and some colour pens ( yes permission to excite your brain!) - jot down some thoughts and have a look at them, what do they tell you ...... what's your next step?




A Change is as good as a rest?!

This time last week I was in beautiful Devon, a very lovely long weekend away.

When is the last time you had a change - a change of environment, a change of routine?

Shift happens, change takes place when we explore, try something new, take action.....

This coming week - what small step could you take to change your routine or go to a new place, meeting room, train station, coffee shop, place of interest, walk a different way?

Be in a "new place" physically and therefore perhaps metaphorically?

Change your routine, your journey to work, experiment a little......Are you looking for change? Change something - and see what happens? How did you feel? Has it started movement to get you to where you want to go? Has it opened your mind to new possibilities?

Enjoy change, feel refreshed ( change in organisations at the moment has bad press, restructuring, stress, unknowns, jobs disappearing) .......

What can you change in your environment or routine that will fulfill you and lead to greater things? 



Tasting more of your success

You've been "in training" for such a time as this, you have experience, qualifications, skills, talents, strengths, vision, sponsors, role models, personal qualities, character, known different roles, different organisations

You have achievements, learning from things that went wrong, situations that could have gone better, gone through tough times, felt the exhilaration of delivering well, winning people round, read and developed, undertaken training, reflected on your personal and professional development  in a whole number of ways, achieved real results!

So what now....what will success look and feel like?

Pause....off the top of your head?

1. Who has made the biggest difference to your life and career so far, what did they give you?

2. What has made the biggest difference to your life and career so far?

3. What does that tell you, if anything? about your next steps, if you were talking to yourself, as your own supportive mentor - what 3 small actions would you tell yourself to take, to taste more of your own success?


Next steps? take one step today - make it small, taste how it feels to do what you've committed to, no excuses 

Just one of the reasons I'm a coach is to see people taste more of their own success.



Think, decide, do ....

At the start of this year,  I did a simple thing - asked myself what  I wished I'd done at the start of last year - and did it.  What a great feeling!!  

What have you spent time wishing you'd done at the beginning of the year  - or,  now that you think about it, what would have made a big difference to you? 

Think about it right now, decide and do it very soon - do something that makes a difference to you.  May real success and fulfillment follow.....



Results, change? - when it gets tough, keep going!

I believe coaching works, I believe its powerful. I believe clients committed to results and change  - can achieve great things,  in their own unique way. Why? because I'm living the results in my own life (change still ongoing !!) I've seen the results with my clients, I talk to other coaches and coach supervisors.

I've also been stuck, overwhelmed, going round in circles, getting nowhere.  I've been where the feeling of "discomfort" was what I knew, the feeling of discomfort became comfortable. Do you want change or has discomfort became comfortable?

"Successful people do what others knew but didn't action"  Coaches support people get beyond the point where they can go themselves. So if its tough, you may be just at the point to keep going -  to get the result you visualised, the change you want. If it was easy you might have done it by now.

Keep going - if you would like accompanying along the way, to get further than you've gone before, lets talk!


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