
Internal momentum - external change

So I saw a great quote in the Power of Habit book by Jack D Hodge  - "Choose your rut carefully! The story talked of a Canadian road which in a particular season got muddy, dry and hard.  They put up a sign each season stating "choose your rut carefully as you will be travelling it for 20 km."  I laughed at myself as I thought about this?

How about you - thought about any ruts recently?  Happy with how far you're sticking with them?  And just perhaps if we could see how long we might be travelling that rut - we might not want to travel so long or so far! 0r even so uncomfortably?

What empowers us to change?  Sometimes, our thoughts, our feelings, our actions? Oh - where to start?  Different situations, no right or wrong answers....

When chatting to to a valued connection Graham - my ears pricked up when talking about "ruts" and "habits" - he spoke of internal momentum for external change.

What rut do you want to say farewell too - choose your path carefully?  What internal thinking would move you forward, gain you some traction to get the external change that you desire?

Any thoughts - do feel free to get in touch if this resonates.



Life, leadership and leisure?

What's the connection for you?

What's the outcome you want?  ( So.....if it were easy and possible what do you want from life, leadership and leisure - write down 3 bullet points, just a suggestion?)

What thoughts and feelings does this trigger?  ( So....write down 2 small simple steps to support you on your way to achieving success)

Are you willing to commit, if yes - when will you complete these actions by?

Enjoy, create the change and outcomes you desire!  So much is possible...



Taking control?

Work life balance:  Do you know what your desired rhythm at work is, do you take steps to achieve that outcome?

Responsibility for impact: When is the last time you considered how you influence, have you observed how others influence? What works for you? What do you want to try?

Difficult conversations: How much energy are you expending by avoiding, worrying - take time to reflect what you want to say, stand in their shoes  - what do you need to consider? what do others see about this situation? what would an observer helpfully say to you?

Sometimes when we are frustrated,  stressed a few moments of reflection and then taking one or two steps to regaining control can bring relief and a sense of moving forward.

Keep things simple ... take control (or let go!). 



So who do you need to be?

Yes - we often focus on intentions, goals, outcomes - all important stuff!

And - who do you need to be to achieve what you're aiming for?

That's the question I pose for your reflection and encouragement.....so authentically - who do you need to be?

To make it easy - choose 3 words, that way this question gets answered, you get some clarity

We can focus on doing and sometimes it's good to switch the focus to who we are being? You'll know what is right for you. 

How do you need to show up as a leader right now?





Dial it up, dial it down....

At an event of a corporate coaching programme the other week I watched a video clip and saw and heard a meaningful testimonial from a client to a coach

" My coach helps me dial up the things I'm good at and dial down the critical voice" 

Is that what you want for you?

What specifically do you want to to dial up in your life?  Focus on that....focus on what you want to dial up?

Keep it simple ....

Take action and enjoy the results!