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Think a little, change a lot 

Do something different!  

Thursday lunchtime I went to a market and bought fruit and vegetables, the buzz, sunshine,  freshness - the simplicity did me good.   Somehow my afternoon coaching session and calls were all the better for it.  On Friday, I went to a walled garden for a short time ( enforced, work was being done on my house) taking enough work to last two days!. The different environment led me away from the "to do list"   I got round to thinking about "things"  that will deliver and create impact, things that had been on my mind for a while - later I had a really brilliant conversation with one of my associates in Edinburgh.

Some of you may be thinking, markets and gardens?  I don't even have time to think - I get that! I've been there and my clients talk to me about it all the time. For me its been a "very full on 6 weeks"  I really wanted yesterday to sit in my office and get "stacks done" - I know however, what I did achieve was more important in the long run to my clients, my business and my personal fulfillment  - they are all connected by the way ( and just for the record, the energy I had, I quickly ticked lots of tasks off the" to do list" afterwards).

Going to different places was an inconvenience ( believe me!)

So .... What will you be really glad you did, after you've done it?  Do something different, something applicable to you and watch for the ripples, surprise yourself and those working for you at the impact.  Think a little - change a lot!

Creativity flows, problems solved, new perspectives, the important rises above the urgent. Try it, it works - you will feel better.  Do you have time not to try something different?

Do let me know, I love to hear your stories, share your success it's encouraging for you and me!